As I muse through my thoughts for today, I am very grateful for all I have and all I have accomplished. Being in lockdown, gives me lots of time to hang out in my studio and paint. I have challenged myself to paint at least 2 paintings a week. I have also been varnishing finished paintings and getting them ready for framing. I am truly very happy to be an "Artist in Residency".
I also want to thank my teacher, coach and mentor, Stefan Baumann who has inspired me to be the best I can be. With the gallery closed and classes postphoned, I have been enjoying his weekly coaching seessions. It is with his guidence and support that I have deleved into the world of social media. I have created a new email accoount. [email protected] and now have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As I become more profiecient in these medias, I invite you to follow me there.
Along with coaching, I have had the privilege to meet other coaching painters through "zoom". Together we share friendships, expertise and encourgement as we paint together virtually. It is great fun and very exciting to be part of this glogal community of artists.